Plant sciences notes

  1. Principle of Genetics. (PBG-4111)➡Download
  2. Principle of Plant Breeding. (PBG-4121)➡Download
  3. Breeding of Field and Horticultural crops. (PBG-4311)➡Download
  4. Principle of Seed Technology. (PBG-4321)➡Download
Others important matters
  1. FLORAL BIOLOGY of Crop Plants A.K. Chhabra  A Practical Manual➡Download
  2. GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING Breeding of Field Crops (Cereals)➡Download
  3. Principal biology of crop plant practical manual➡Download
  4. Agro crops breeding➡Download
  5. Breeding of Field and Horticultural CropsDownload
  6. Plant science B.D singh Download

Crops, Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority (PPV & FRA) Government of India
  1. PigeonpeaDownload
  2. Pearl MilletDownload
  3. Mung beanDownload
  4. MaizeDownload
  5. LentilDownload
  6. Field peaDownload
  7. Chick peaDownload
  8. Tetroplold➡Download
Flowers biology photos pdf➡download


Notes for genetics and Plant breeding JRF aspirants

This post deals with notes for genetics and plant breeding aspirants across the world.

Since the course content for genetics as well as  breeding are too wide here we have included some topics relavant for the JRF as well as SRF exams.

 Hope this meets the requirement for those aspirants preparing for exams...

--> All notes in this blog can be found in a dedicated page for Notes in the menu Bar

download pdf

                                                             concept of DNA and RNA
download this pdf
        Recombinations and mutations

download this pdf

                                                                  Breeding of cereals

download this pdf

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